oke, oke..
seperti yang ada di judul, gue udah fix ngikut simak ui.
jurusannya? jelas kedokteran.
doakan gue ya..
betewe, gue dapet sebuah barang bagus.
You are Gold Pegasus, who is extremely cheerful and seems like a very open person.
You can show consideration to others, and have a good sense of humor.
You are also a person who doesn't want to loose.
However, you can be very temperamental, and can suddenly become optimistic, and next minute you are very pessimistic.
You look for fancy atmosphere in daily life, but you know that is only to cover up for your own dissatisfaction and discontent.
You possess unworldly bilateral character.
You have very unique personality, and people who like you and those who don't are clearly divided.
You tend to be audacious, but you must be careful when you use it.
Because Gold Pegasus people tend to be divided into those who exhibit great talent and those who can go stray from the right path.
Unlike your confident attitude, you are rather too nervous, sensitive and can easily change or give up your objectives.
Your natural instinct is fabulous, and you have a passionate personality.
You tend to lead life with lots of emotional ups and downs.
You dislike being restricted, and prefer to enjoy freedom, and this will not change even after you get married.
Therefore there is a chance of you getting divorced.
hal pertama yang gue liat adalah
gold pegasus
HUAHAHAHAHA, ngakak abis!!!
dan, nyaris seratus persen hal yang ditulis disana betul sekali.
gila, baru kali ini ada fortunetelling yang beneran
haha, amazing!!!
well, back to reality.
saatnya belajar..